Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cake Dream: Finishing Up

My prototype for the dungeon is complete as the character can go pick up a bow, kill a dragon, and eat cake. The hero can even die. What's left for me to do now is implement the state interface so that I can add it to the rest of the project. I should have done this part first, but I just received the interface just the other day.

The state interface is basically what each level is. When the overarching map tries to load a dungeon, it just has to call that dungeon's initState() and update using updateState() and the rest is done increasing modularity. The part that will give me the most problem is that in order to implement the interface, I have move most of my logic from DungeonTopDown to TopDownBackground (the class that regulates the GUI). This infuriates me because it is mixing logic and GUI which decreases on the modularity and the bugs that will sprout up when I do migrate it over. I suppose it has to be done if I want a grade on this and not look like an asshole (especially when another teammate just migrated all his code without bitching about it).

When I did add my code with the rest of files and ran it just to make sure it would work, the code threw some errors that has nothing to do with my code. Ui::MainWindow doesn't like the default constructor for some reason and it refused to run. This frustrates me because I can't test my code and complete this assignment.

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