Monday, September 17, 2012

Summer Project: CoE Network Request

Welcome to part 2 of the Summer Project series. The second project I made was a Network Request form for people to request access of their computer to the College of Engineering. This was the easiest project of the summer. This is quite simple as the there was only two major pages. The form and the database.

The form is a basic form where the user enters in basic information about them (name, email, department, etc), where computer is located at, and basic information about the computer (name, mac address, and port). With this information an email is sent to the opers where one will connect their computer to the Network. Also the mac address is check against the other address on the database to detect a duplicate. If there is a duplicate mac address, then the system asks the user if they still wish to proceed with the conflict. If they do proceed, then the request is sent to the opers and the information is stored in a separate table where the oper can decide if the conflict should override the current entry. If there should be an override, then the current entry will be deleted and replace by the conflict. This is extremely rare because of the uniqueness of mac addresses.

There is a separate page where only authorized people can view all the mac address in the system and potential conflicts in another page. Since a request comes in nearly every day, the number of mac address in the system is numerous. So the page doesn't load every single mac address in a single page, I made it similar to what other large lists do (split it up). Only 10 mac address would show at any one time, with a series of numbers below that the user can use to jump to any set of mac address (<first 1 2 3 ... (n -1) (n) last>).

Also on the page is a search box, where the user can enter in a mac address and when enter is hit, it will pull up the information on the mac address (if it exists). This is the same for the conflicts tables as well.

That is all for this. I know it wasn't too interesting, but the project itself was very small and not like the Reservation system which had an interesting algorithm to show. The final part of the series will be a CSV Parser where it will take in a list of students and create an Engineering account for them. This will be just as interesting as the Reservation system with some good algorithms to show off.

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